Walking through Jerusalem late at night

Walking through Jerusalem late at night

Walking through Jerusalem late at night I suddenly saw what I thought was the similarity of the Old City of Hebron.
Walking through the streets looking up through the holes above you, you can see where the Israelies have bought the previous houses that were owned by the Palestinian people.   You know because they fly the Israeli Flag.     I have seen such a difference here since I was last here just over a year ago.
Apparently Jerusalem is now 6O Israeli and 40 per cent Palestinian and the figure keeps rising.    I have been told that it is some of the richest families in Israel and America who are purchasing the houses and they either move people into them or just leave them empty.
I asked some of the Palestinians why they did not fly the Palestinian flags from their houses and have been told by countless Palestinians they are not allowed to do this.   Why?     Israel is indeed a racist state.
If people remember I spoke about the family from Itamar that were murdered, the Israeli Settlement.    Well Israel has decided that they will now build another 500 houses in their name as a form of rememberance.  Well I think we all know that it was going ahead anyway one way or the other, Israel would even use people and babies being murdered as an excuse for their settlement expansion.   I do not know if there is still a blackout on who committed this murder, the migrant from Thailand.      The damage was done though when they announced to the world it was Palestinians they were looking for.
As I have always said ISM are completely peaceful, non violent so why would they deny us entry?
Well we all know the answer to that one.