Walking through the Old City today I was stopped and told I was on the front of Al Quds paper regarding the demonstration at Damascus Gate a few days ago.  Apparently the shopkeeper has kept it for me.    I always seem to get in the paper every time I come here, which has always been worrying for me in the past but now I couldn’t care a bit.  After all I was told to stay in Israel, by this he meant Tel Aviv but Israel claims Jerusalem as theirs so I am entitled to be here and I hope he sees it.    Apparently I was on the t.v. as well.    I think it is always because they look for the foreigners to picture as it shows people that Internationals do care what is happening here.  It is very important that people continue to come and show support for the Palestinians.
It also shows what a threat that ISMers are having to Israel for them to deport us and stop us witnessing the atrocities that are being carried out here.  If anybody wants to come over to Palestine please get in touch with us and we shall arrange it for you.  Apparently I am the sixth ISMer to be banned from Palestine
You can make such a difference here and work with the Palestinians and let them know that we care what is happening and will tell the world and show videos and pictures to people back home and also post on the internet.
I met a lovely young man at the Hostel and he has came over to make up his mind about the situation here, and I think he is fairly shocked at the brutality of what is happening here and what the occupation is doing.  He actually went to Billin and joined in the peaceful demonstration that the Palestinians hold every Friday and of course was met with the usual brutality of the Israeli Army, tear gas, sound bombs, stinky water, rubber bullets etc.
That is another person who will go back home and tell friends what is happening here.
On the other hand I was in an internet cafe and an American sat down and started shouting ‘HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT’.   He then demanded from the owners of the Internet Cafe the name of the place that apparently gets hit with thousands and thousands of rockets every single day from Gaza.   I told him I thought it was called Rafah and it was the Israeli Army that were murdering people and bombing hospitals and mosques and shooting the fishermen and farmers.     He went mental to put it lightly.     He was one scarey man.     He must have weighed at least 20 stone and over.    I thought he was going to burst a blood vessel when I said that to him.   Of course the Palestinians love that because they cannot say that to anybody or they will be arrested and beat up, it takes nothing for us to let people know the reality of the occupation.