Reclaiming the land
SFP launches olive tree and thyme appeal
Today SFP is launching an appeal for donations to fund the purchase of olive trees and thyme to reclaim stolen Palestinian land. The appeal forms part of SFP’s philosophy to support our fellow Palestinians not only to remain steadfast on their land but also to take back the land from the Occupiers.
Year on year the Occupation has stolen more and more Palestinian land. SFP and our volunteers say no more. We are taking proactive, non-violent action to reclaim the land and help build a free Palestinian State.
We kindly ask people locally and around the world to help us in this endeavour by donating whatever you can enabling us to purchase olive trees and thyme. The trees and herbs are planted with farmers with the support of SFP volunteers and help create a sustainable income for the local community as well supporting resistance to the illegal Occupation.
Olive trees are a symbol of Palestine and the Palestinian struggle. They support life across the land and the Israeli Occupation is systematically trying to destroy that history and legacy.
This year SFP is also expanding our annual appeal to include the purchase of thyme. Thyme is also integral to Palestine and particularly Palestinian women who grow the herb, providing the main ingredient to the delicious Palestinian tea served across the Middle East.
We would be very grateful for any donations you were able to make and our volunteers will plant in your name.
To find out how to donate please visit our ‘Donate’ page where you can donate to Palestinian or American bank accounts and via PayPal.
Thank you.
SFP Steering Committee
SfP حركة تضامن من اجل فلسطين حره تطلق ندائها من اجل حملة ” صامدون كشجر الزعتر والزيتون”